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Search results

  1. M

    Android LINE Rangers Mod APK Part 2

    Thx gan... Gini nih caranya.... Pertama, kita buka .res di android/data/line.lgrs lah apa gitu/ terus buka .resnya.. Buka aja file.. Misalkan yello (paling benci ane sama bocah tengil ini) contoh u0xxx-yello... Cari file.sam nya.. Delete file .samnya, nah sebelum di delete, file sam yang tadi di...
  2. M

    [LINE] C00kie Run Hack part 2

    gan ane farming ampe 90k.... 4117--> 4118 Double Coins Relay (Buttercream choco cookie) 25% coin bonus Treasure Buttercream choco cookie(4% coin), pure gold bar(11 % Coin), feather alhasil ane jadi anak band