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Search results

  1. rewe

    Rf Bloodwar

    INFO: SERVER GAG JADI DI CLOSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tp itu,donaturnya gan gila mamen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. rewe

    Nightclub City [Facebook Game]

    lvl ane stuck di 50 terus <_< solusi dong...
  3. rewe

    Rf Bloodwar

    alasannya yah biasa lah,KARNA KEKURANGAN DANA GT DEH,Butuh donate. :rolleyes: kita liat ajj deh.bner² tutup apa engga nih server..
  4. rewe

    Rf Bloodwar

    INFO Server Mau closed !!!!! Info dari GM Klattu Numpang absen ah Nick: Harry Race: Acc Job: Striker Lvl: 65 Guild: •White•Knight•
  5. rewe

    Rf Bloodwar

    gag ada gan ele 40.40,klo donas ada mungkin
  6. rewe

    Rf Bloodwar

    @absen Riko Only Nick : Harry Job : Striker Bangsa : ACC ABSEN GAN :D
  7. rewe

    Rf Bloodwar

    Close????? :telephone:
  8. rewe

    Rf Bloodwar

    kurang tau,ktnya sih ada item di NPC flem ini gw bru download :ngacir: Absen: Nick: Harry Job:Striker Race:Acc Lvl:65 Guild:•White•Knight• Buat semua org indo peace.. Kompak selalu,dan damai :smiley_beer:
  9. rewe

    Rf Bloodwar

    Patch baru all http://www.mediafire.com/?5xwtndcu22q5i2a Ijo klo berguna
  10. rewe

    Rf Bloodwar

    Thx bro atas sarannya... Dengerin tuh all... pada gag mau rugi kan,jng cheat dong... klo mau leveling tnggal wips yg lvl gedenya siapa tau di bantu... :grin:
  11. rewe

    Rf Bloodwar

    @hooh: wkkwkwkw, PISS :lol: Indo full vote Harry buat jd first race leader acc
  12. rewe

    Rf Bloodwar

    Vote² ajj.. urusan belakang ntr sm GM
  13. rewe

    Rf Bloodwar

    kata siapa gw males maen... ol terus gw di acc.. INFO: Kata GM klo mau chat indo di chat /sell all Vote gw Nick Harry ya all buat jd archon acc Absen: Nick: Harry Race: ACC LVL: 65 Job: Striker Guild: •White•Knight• Vote me for First Race Leader Accretia
  14. rewe

    Rf Bloodwar

    Absen Ah... Nick:Harry Race:acc Guild:•White•Knight• Lvl:65 Job:Launcher Vote Me for your first race leader B)
  15. rewe

    Rf Bloodwar

    @atas: make client apa kk??? Cb instal ulang Ramaikan Acc all Nick:Harry Job:Striker: Lvl:65 Race:Acc Vote Me for your first race leader ok yg kompak all
  16. rewe

    Rf Bloodwar

    jiah yuko... ACC dong
  17. rewe

    Rf Bloodwar

    iya naekin dr 60 ke 65 di elf... nick lu apa fozz??
  18. rewe

    Rf Bloodwar

    Info Upgrader box drop di chip klo win...
  19. rewe

    Rf Bloodwar

    gag tau gw,gag ada keterangan di forumnya... acc sih paling cm 8 org ajj td wkt war bels 22 ccc 8 acc 14 @atas: Make patch bizantium dlu trus patch bloodwar gan
  20. rewe

    Rf Bloodwar

    war jam: 8 pagi 4 sore 12 mlm kalah mulu acc,bels jaya.. makanya ramaikan acc ok