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  1. Y

    Info [Mod] BF Global, Europe, Japan, Amazon.

    Iya2 ane g ngeh pdhl ane pke fire semua...ehehehe maap ta ngerepotin
  2. Y

    Info [Mod] BF Global, Europe, Japan, Amazon.

    ane mau tanya nih... Tmn ane ada yg ngalamin " your squad does not meet the constraint requirement ".. Ane g ngrti knp bs bgtu..pdhl squadnya udh di ganti2..ttp ga bs
  3. Y

    Info [Mod] BF Global, Europe, Japan, Amazon.

    Ane slama ini maen di glebel pake mod..aman2 aj asalkan jgn trlalu nafsu ngabisin energy nya.. Dnger2 tmn ada yg ke banned gara2 ngabisin 40lebih energy sekali login