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Search results

  1. dustrevolution

    Luina RO - Indonesian Ragnarok Private Server

    ok skarang uda work tapi kok smua equip yg gw dapet or even beli dari npc slalu ada tulisan mesti diident(magnifier) dlu tapi abis gw magnifier tetep bgitu equipnya jadi kek blom dimagni n gw jadi gtw equip apa itu yg gw pake or beli
  2. dustrevolution

    Luina RO - Indonesian Ragnarok Private Server

    kok tiap kali mau login failed to connected to server terus y? kenapa toh? gw juga gbsa masuk ke forum -___-
  3. dustrevolution

    [Share] Kata2 Character Anime Yang Kalian Suka

    "every truth containts the lies" kata-katanya shu di duikoden ke 2 "you can shape the world with your imagination" "it`s more better if i die in the war"(legend of mana)
  4. dustrevolution

    Kumpulan Gambar Lucu[Just 4 Funn)

    maho= manusia homo klo pertamax tu orang yang paling pertama ngepost di thread klo ga salah ya ga kk senior??
  5. dustrevolution

    [Req & Share] anime soundtrack

    sound track nya 4 hero donk anime buatan indo gw ga tau tu judul lagu nya pa
  6. dustrevolution

    [Req & Share] anime soundtrack

    Iyagh kk... Bener Thx banget yagh... Oh ya skalian saia mo req lage Soundtracknya get backers kk Klo isa lengkap Hehehehehhe
  7. dustrevolution

    [Req & Share] anime soundtrack

    Saia juga mo req hoshizorano waltz dunkz kk Yg instrument ajah Thx b4