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[Lounge]Pet Society [Facebook Game]


1 SD
Level 2
bkn maksud saya flame kk saya cuma, saya hanya ketawa-ketiwi aja liat bahasa di forum PS hack nya, aneh bgt,dan juga saya itu tidak lebih jago dan pinter, tetapi saya mencontek ke yang lebih jago dan pinter.
sekali lagi saya tidak menertawakan anda atau forumnya.
saya hanya menertawakan diri saya sendiri dan membayangkan ketika saya membaca isi/bahasa dari forum tersebut ( bukan forum yang anda beritahu)

dah ah g mau da keributan lgi.
btw ni gw mo post cheat cash/blue coins.

yg di butuhkan:
1.fiddler 2
2.mozilla firefox
3.2 account facebook/petsociety ( satu yg mengirim=palsu dan satu yg menerima=asli)
4.data : http://www.megaupload.com/?d=20SLGO0H

tutor ( eng )
first login in secondary account

1-Go to our Pet ... Note that above all, in the taskbar Mozilla Firefox says Tools -> Monitor With Fiddler -> Use Fiddler Automatically. They remain so.
2 In the Fiddler 2 Hagan click on the right, a little above half, and note there are 2 squares, one that says "Enable Automatic Responses", and another that says "Permit for Passthrough unmatched requests", that the 2 are labeled. (They are on the tab "AutoResponder").
3 "In the Fiddler seek the line:
3.1.19 (so) ends up saying more database . dat, right click on it, and Copy This URL, now where were the squares to the right of them says Add, click Add. Near the end of fiddler will see the database selected, and right click in the arrow (bottom right) and "Find The File" now choose the database you downloaded. Click Save.
4-Look actions.dat in Fiddler 2 (between lines, as they did with the database ) and do the same as before, right click Copy This URL, now click Add, click on arrow down, and Find The File, and choose the file you downloaded called action.dat
5-Look for a line that ends in shopMystery2103.dat, and repeat the same thing, only now choose the file you downloaded called shopMystery2103.dat. Click Save
6-refreshing your browser, and see who can buy all the items listed in the store Boutique, do not forget that in addition, there are items in Mystery. And do not forget that what they buy, they send as a gift, to the account you want.

Attention: must click on offering gifts and send the account you want.

tutor ( indo )
1.install fiddler2, buka fiddler2.buka firefox.klo udah di add on firefox, ke firefox > tools>monitor with fiddler>use fiddler automatically.( klo udah begini, MESTI DAN HARUS ADA FIDDLER ON DI WINDOWS FIREFOX PALING POJOK KANAN BAWAH DI ATASNYA JAM dan juga coba liat ke fiddler, PASTI DISITU ADA PROCESS YG DI BUKA WEB BROWSER LO )
2. buka account PS lo buat gift ke yg asli.
3.tunggu ampe loading selesai dan masuk ke PS.
4.klo dah slesai buka fiddler cari : http://d2syub29v5lge2.cloudfront.net/game/pets/swf/xxx/database.dat atau /game/pets/swf/xxx/database.dat klik knan copy>just url.
5.auto responder thick yg 2 dibwah ( lupa :hilarious: )
6.klik add trus yg ksong lo klik > find a file > ke database.dat yg lo dah download>save
7.cari http://d2syub29v5lge2.cloudfront.net/game/pets/swf/xxx/shopMystery2103.dat. atau /game/pets/swf/xxx/shopMystery2103.dat. klik knan copy>just url
8.klik add lgi find a file lgi cari shopmystery2103.dat klik save.
9.clear cache dan delete history di browser yg lo pke.refresh PS lo dan masuk ke toko apapun yg lo mau kasih item cash ke account asli lo.
10.lo klik barangnya trus lo GIFT ke yg asli trus pilih kado yg paling kiri atas yg harganya "0".
11.setiap item yg lo gift itu berharga 50 coins kuning lias gold.
12.have fun

credit :
**friends.org dari *ru*a*ohacks.blogspot.com


2 SD
Level 2

om fiddler itu apah???

wa cari addonsnya mozila gag ada...

btw ana pake mozila 3.6.3

.....tolong bagi ilmunya


Level 1
bkn maksud saya flame kk saya cuma, saya hanya ketawa-ketiwi aja liat bahasa di forum PS hack nya, aneh bgt,dan juga saya itu tidak lebih jago dan pinter, tetapi saya mencontek ke yang lebih jago dan pinter.
sekali lagi saya tidak menertawakan anda atau forumnya.
saya hanya menertawakan diri saya sendiri dan membayangkan ketika saya membaca isi/bahasa dari forum tersebut ( bukan forum yang anda beritahu)

dah ah g mau da keributan lgi.
btw ni gw mo post cheat cash/blue coins.

yg di butuhkan:
1.fiddler 2
2.mozilla firefox
3.2 account facebook/petsociety ( satu yg mengirim=palsu dan satu yg menerima=asli)
4.data : http://www.megaupload.com/?d=20SLGO0H

tutor ( eng )
first login in secondary account

1-Go to our Pet ... Note that above all, in the taskbar Mozilla Firefox says Tools -> Monitor With Fiddler -> Use Fiddler Automatically. They remain so.
2 In the Fiddler 2 Hagan click on the right, a little above half, and note there are 2 squares, one that says "Enable Automatic Responses", and another that says "Permit for Passthrough unmatched requests", that the 2 are labeled. (They are on the tab "AutoResponder").
3 "In the Fiddler seek the line:
3.1.19 (so) ends up saying more database . dat, right click on it, and Copy This URL, now where were the squares to the right of them says Add, click Add. Near the end of fiddler will see the database selected, and right click in the arrow (bottom right) and "Find The File" now choose the database you downloaded. Click Save.
4-Look actions.dat in Fiddler 2 (between lines, as they did with the database ) and do the same as before, right click Copy This URL, now click Add, click on arrow down, and Find The File, and choose the file you downloaded called action.dat
5-Look for a line that ends in shopMystery2103.dat, and repeat the same thing, only now choose the file you downloaded called shopMystery2103.dat. Click Save
6-refreshing your browser, and see who can buy all the items listed in the store Boutique, do not forget that in addition, there are items in Mystery. And do not forget that what they buy, they send as a gift, to the account you want.

Attention: must click on offering gifts and send the account you want.

tutor ( indo )
1.install fiddler2, buka fiddler2.buka firefox.klo udah di add on firefox, ke firefox > tools>monitor with fiddler>use fiddler automatically.( klo udah begini, MESTI DAN HARUS ADA FIDDLER ON DI WINDOWS FIREFOX PALING POJOK KANAN BAWAH DI ATASNYA JAM dan juga coba liat ke fiddler, PASTI DISITU ADA PROCESS YG DI BUKA WEB BROWSER LO )
2. buka account PS lo buat gift ke yg asli.
3.tunggu ampe loading selesai dan masuk ke PS.
4.klo dah slesai buka fiddler cari : http://d2syub29v5lge2.cloudfront.net/game/pets/swf/xxx/database.dat atau /game/pets/swf/xxx/database.dat klik knan copy>just url.
5.auto responder thick yg 2 dibwah ( lupa :hilarious: )
6.klik add trus yg ksong lo klik > find a file > ke database.dat yg lo dah download>save
7.cari http://d2syub29v5lge2.cloudfront.net/game/pets/swf/xxx/shopMystery2103.dat. atau /game/pets/swf/xxx/shopMystery2103.dat. klik knan copy>just url
8.klik add lgi find a file lgi cari shopmystery2103.dat klik save.
9.clear cache dan delete history di browser yg lo pke.refresh PS lo dan masuk ke toko apapun yg lo mau kasih item cash ke account asli lo.
10.lo klik barangnya trus lo GIFT ke yg asli trus pilih kado yg paling kiri atas yg harganya "0".
11.setiap item yg lo gift itu berharga 50 coins kuning lias gold.
12.have fun

credit :
**friends.org dari *ru*a*ohacks.blogspot.com

udh di ikut in tu kk smua trz >>shopMystery2104.dat <<ada nya 2104 tu

setelah di save, msk trz refrsh PS nya,malah barang2 yang mau di blei hilang dan ada beberapa barang trz ga bisa di apa2 in.. di klik jg ga muncul apa2,jgn kan buat bli barang di klik aja itu baju ga bs... apa yg slh ya.. thx b4


2 SD
Level 2
om wa dah download fiddlernya...trs dah ikutin langkahnya...

n hasilnya sama kek snowbrigade....

yg ketemu shopMystery2104.dat bukan shopMystery2103.dat


Level 1
om wa dah download fiddlernya...trs dah ikutin langkahnya...

n hasilnya sama kek snowbrigade....

yg ketemu shopMystery2104.dat bukan shopMystery2103.dat
nah sm kita cc,tapi cc udh cba ampe mana tu..??ak udh ikut in trz, udh ampe tahap akhir pas udh di clear cache ya dll,udh di refrsh trz msk PS lg,lgsg ke market..
smua barang ad yg ga kliatan trz ga ada harga,di klik jg ga bs di ap2 in,pas mau keluar belanja t4 lain,malah layar nya putih.. ak coba berkali2 gt.. mohon pencerahan..thx


1 SD
Level 2
kk saya download charles

and pass waktu saya buka kok keluar tulisannya gini

"failed to Find Java VM"

tu knp ya kak...

tolong saya donk


1 SD
ga ada melainkan cuma ada
web search
Error console
Page info
Start Private Browsing
Clear recent History ..

ga ada lagi kk


1 SD
Level 2
belum lo install fiddlernya.
lo install dlu fiddlernya trus firefoxnya restart ntar kan ada add on.

ooh itu sma kaya saya dlo.
mungkin shopmysterynya udah berubah jdi g bisa lgi.
harus nunggu update baru kyknya.
mungkin playfish udh fix itu jdi shop misterynya di ganti ma dia.
berarti satu.
kamu telat!
atau beda dgn yg punya mu.
ntar deh gw cari" klw mao n smphed.

mending lo ke

ok ?
gw lgi sibuk bgt dan mau meninggalkan dunia game tuk saad ini..
i want to grow up like a man.. :hilarious:


Level 1
@^: okee thx cc/kk ida info nya... soal nya itu udh berubah.. udh berkali2 ak coba.. udh masuk mau belanja2 to item nya ga ada.. thx...


Level 1

sorry nih gue jg seorang cheater.

cuman kasih info aja ya sebelumnya kan nih pet sos dah PATCH jadi yg blue coins hack dah gk bs sebenarnya waktu di patch itu ya

shopMystery2104.dat sedangkan dari yg di download itu shopMystery2103.dat

gunannya itu menganti 2104 menjadi 2103 karena 2103 dah di otak atik jadinya bs beli playfish dengan 50 coins.

sayanganya itu dah gk ada. patch baru ya cheat baru.

sorry gue cuman mau share pengalaman gue make cheat Blue coins. soalnya keseringan make :ngacir:

sorry gk berkenan kelamaan kasih tau. tapi kalo ada cheat yg sama bakal keluar ya coba otak atik aja. :blush:
happ cheater :) :groan:


4 SD
Level 2
* Firefox atau browser web ...

* Cheat Engine 5,6 5,5 Bisa juga

1. Pergilah ke Pet Society ...

2. Ambil kuas dan sikat hewan peliharaan Anda dengan itu ...

3. Buka browser Cheat Engine dan pilih dalam daftar proses ...

4. Pengaturan akan [Hex, Array of Bytes, ASROM] ...

5. Scan "0F846A0100008B5DFC8B7308" ...

6. 1 alamat kembali. Klik kanan Bongkar ...

7. Klik kanan kode yang dipilih dan pilih 'Ganti dengan kode yang tidak apa-apa' ...

8. Baru scan "0F8F3E0400008B7DD08B872C020000" ...

9. 1 alamat kembali. Klik kanan Bongkar ...

UP 10.Go beberapa baris untuk menemukan baris ini "mov ecx, 0000000a" ...

11.Change ke "mov ecx, 00000001" ...

12.Now sikat hewan peliharaan Anda, Anda akan mendapatkan 20 koin setiap sikat. Sikat sampai sekitar 300 koin ...

13.Click 'ADD koin' (sudut kiri atas layar) ...

14.You akan berada di bank layar ...

15.Click pintu di kiri bawah, dan klik HOME ...

16.Continue menyikat selama 300 koin ...

17.Repeat langkah 12-16 sampai Anda RICHHHH ...

18.Do TIDAK sikat lebih dari 300 koin atau Walikota akan muncul ...
jgn lupa cendol nya gan
ud gk isa y ini? >.<
waktu w ikt step 8 gk isa.. npa y?


Level 1
tadi bis liat" yuo tube nemu gnian

yuch trainerx mash ica g y???...........
soalx dari tadi DL g ica" jdix lum nyoba.....
tolong y tq ^^