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[Tips] Cara Setting Necrobot + Pogofeeder (autosniffing)


Level 0
Ane biasa buka bot cuma 3 dari dulu gan.
Ane tadi subuh test buka 1 doang
Ternyata masih kena softband juga.
Tar tak coba pake vpn.
Tapi sekarang lagi ga bisa coba
Quota abis :(
Tapi kalo lagi pake pogofeede4 trainernya jadi jarang ke pokestop ya?
Tak liat sniping mulu kadang nangkep aja kehabisan item :)
kayaknya sekarang gabisa lebih dari 2, gue coba sejam lebih 2 akun aman2 aja.

[13:23:06] (SNIPER) (PokeSnipers.com) Sniping a Arcanine with Unknown IV at 51.5
[13:23:07] (SNIPER) Did not find a Pokemon within the Location, pokemon despawne
[13:23:12] (SNIPER) (PokeSnipers.com) Sniping a Farfetchd with Unknown IV at 22.
[13:23:13] (SNIPER) Did not find a Pokemon within the Location, pokemon despawne
[13:23:24] (SNIPER) (PokeSnipers.com) Sniping a Farfetchd with Unknown IV at 24.
[13:23:28] (SNIPER) Did not find a Pokemon within the Location, pokemon despawne
[13:23:33] (SNIPER) (PokeSnipers.com) Sniping a Nidoking with Unknown IV at -6.2
[13:23:34] (SNIPER) Did not find a Pokemon within the Location, pokemon despawne

Gan mau nanya itu kenapa yah ? padahal sebelum nya jalan .
makasih gan sebelumnya
ga semua lokasi ada pokemonnya gan, jadi wajar kalo muncul gitu


Level 1
gan ane dari tadi sering banget kena softbanned kira2 kesalahanya apa ya
apa karena buka bot lebih dari 1 jadi kena softbanned
iya sekarang bot gak bisa buka banyak2 di forum sebelah juga dibilangin disuruh maximal 3 bot, trus kalo internetnya pake kartu juga mempengaruhi cepet softbanned nya, ane nyoba bot pake xl baru sejam udah softbanned bahkan buka via hp juga pokestop dan pokemonya pada ilang, kalo kartu yg lain gak begitu

[13:23:06] (SNIPER) (PokeSnipers.com) Sniping a Arcanine with Unknown IV at 51.5
[13:23:07] (SNIPER) Did not find a Pokemon within the Location, pokemon despawne
[13:23:12] (SNIPER) (PokeSnipers.com) Sniping a Farfetchd with Unknown IV at 22.
[13:23:13] (SNIPER) Did not find a Pokemon within the Location, pokemon despawne
[13:23:24] (SNIPER) (PokeSnipers.com) Sniping a Farfetchd with Unknown IV at 24.
[13:23:28] (SNIPER) Did not find a Pokemon within the Location, pokemon despawne
[13:23:33] (SNIPER) (PokeSnipers.com) Sniping a Nidoking with Unknown IV at -6.2
[13:23:34] (SNIPER) Did not find a Pokemon within the Location, pokemon despawne

Gan mau nanya itu kenapa yah ? padahal sebelum nya jalan .
makasih gan sebelumnya
itu kalo pake pogofeeder karena dia ngambil dari feed berbagai channel, kadang pokemon yang sama ke baca di berbagai channel, jadi seringnya pokemonya udah ketangkep tapi feed tentang pokemon tersebut muncul lagi dari channel lain, coba perhatiin aja kadang koordinatnya ada yang sama beda 0,000*** doang


Level 1
cara biar sering cari poke stop gmana yah? soalnya ngesnipe mulu
Edit config.json ke notepad > find text (ctrl+f) UseSnipeLocationServer > ubah dari true ke false


Setting di config nya trus find text MinPokeballsToSnipe > ubah dari 20 ke 30 biar ga snipe2 dulu sebelum poke ball nya 30
Last edited:


Level 1
ini linknya

download yang release.zip

gan tau cara setting proxy di necrobotnya ga
tadi tak coba setting di auth.json

"UseProxy": True,
"UseProxyHost": tak isi nomor proxy,
"UseProxyPort": tak isi port proxy,

tapi malah necrobotnya force close
apa salah nyettingnya ya
Ubah ke pabrik awal aja gan setau ane sih ga bisa soalnya udah diatur nyatu sama snipe2 juga

"UseProxy": false,
"UseProxyHost": null,
"UseProxyPort": null,


Level 1
gan punya agan kok work nya ? beda nya sama yg lain apa ? ane padahal pnya V0.8.5 yg langsung dari github nya tapi malah stuck terus. tapi punya agan malah work ?
Apa beda disettingan ?
Data yang lain pada kecepetan kk, liat kondisi dulu. Caranya coba bermain di android trus jalan2, liat apa aja yg udah diperbarui sama niantic nya. Contoh kemarin saya buka di hp, yg diperbarui seperti notification kecepetan ada alert nya di game tersebut, nah trus kita gk klik2 itu sedangkan harus di klik klo ga di klik jd mancing buat kena softbaned. makanya settingannya saya agak lambatin supaya alert/notifications ga kluar di settingan necrobot.

Intinya cek dulu sebelum main gan


Level 1
sepertinya necro udh ga work "tidak ada pokestop ditemukan disekitarmu"
mungkin pengembang udah Maintenance buat fixed Api


Level 1
hadeh, ane kena ginian gan di botnya. trus login di henpon muncul layar kyk maintenes gitu. apa kena perban ya??

[17:43:29] Mendeteksi perjalanan realistis, menggunakan pengaturan bawaan pada config.json
[17:43:29] Pastikan koordinat kamu telah benar. Tutup program dan konfigurasi ulang jika belum! X (lintang): -7.2821868931677 Y (bujur): 112.795650888564
[17:44:01] Pokemon Servers might be offline / unstable. Trying again...
[17:44:02] Error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at PoGo.NecroBot.Logic.Inventory.<GetPokemons>d__34.MoveNext() in C:\Users\ciamo\Source\Repos\NecroBot\PoGo.NecroBot.Logic\Inventory.cs:line 391
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at PoGo.NecroBot.Logic.Inventory.<GetHighestsCp>d__22.MoveNext() in C:\Users\ciamo\Source\Repos\NecroBot\PoGo.NecroBot.Logic\Inventory.cs:line 265
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ValidateEnd(Task task)
at PoGo.NecroBot.Logic.Tasks.DisplayPokemonStatsTask.<Execute>d__2.MoveNext() in C:\Users\ciamo\Source\Repos\NecroBot\PoGo.NecroBot.Logic\Tasks\DisplayPokemonStatsTask.cs:line 27
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at PoGo.NecroBot.Logic.State.InfoState.<Execute>d__0.MoveNext() in C:\Users\ciamo\Source\Repos\NecroBot\PoGo.NecroBot.Logic\State\InfoState.cs:line 16
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at PoGo.NecroBot.Logic.State.StateMachine.<Start>d__3.MoveNext() in C:\Users\ciamo\Source\Repos\NecroBot\PoGo.NecroBot.Logic\State\StateMachine.cs:line 56