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4 SD
Level 2

ada tapi kalo di gunakan akan sangatmengurangi EXP perjam kamu...
kalau saran sih mending pakai followbot aja
terus route walknya di set 8 jadi jalannya tiap 8 kotak huehehe


Level 1
<div class='codetop'>NYIT-NYIT CODE</div><div class='codemain' style='height:300px;white-space:pre;overflow:auto'>OpenKore version
Network state = 4
Network handler = Network::DirectConnection
SVN revision: unknown
No loaded plugins.

Error message:
Assertion ('HASH(0x343da44)' must be of class 'Actor::You') failed!
at C:/Documents and Settings/--KePaRaTkEciL--/Desktop/openkore/openkore- line 271
Carp::Assert::assert('', '\'HASH(0x343da44)\' must be of class \'Actor::You\'') called at src/Utils/Assert.pm line 31
Utils::Assert::assertClass('HASH(0x343da44)', 'Actor::You') called at src/Misc.pm line 228
Misc::checkValidity('Packet: stat_info') called at src/Network/Receive.pm line 419
Network::Receive::parse('Network::Receive::ServerType0=HASH(0x1b96a1c)', '\x{b0}\x{0}2\x{0}\x{87}\x{0}\x{0}\x{0}') called at src/functions.pl line 1192
main::parseIncomingMessage('\x{b0}\x{0}2\x{0}\x{87}\x{0}\x{0}\x{0}') called at src/functions.pl line 545
main::mainLoop_initialized() called at src/functions.pl line 70
main::mainLoop() called at src/Interface.pm line 75
Interface::mainLoop('Interface::Console::Win32=HASH(0x2923424)') called at openkore.pl line 96
main::__start() called at start.pl line 119

Stack trace:
Assertion ('HASH(0x343da44)' must be of class 'Actor::You') failed!
at C:/Documents and Settings/--KePaRaTkEciL--/Desktop/openkore/openkore- line 271
Carp::Assert::assert('', '\'HASH(0x343da44)\' must be of class \'Actor::You\'') called at src/Utils/Assert.pm line 31
Utils::Assert::assertClass('HASH(0x343da44)', 'Actor::You') called at src/Misc.pm line 228
Misc::checkValidity('Packet: stat_info') called at src/Network/Receive.pm line 419
Network::Receive::parse('Network::Receive::ServerType0=HASH(0x1b96a1c)', '\x{b0}\x{0}2\x{0}\x{87}\x{0}\x{0}\x{0}') called at src/functions.pl line 1192
main::parseIncomingMessage('\x{b0}\x{0}2\x{0}\x{87}\x{0}\x{0}\x{0}') called at src/functions.pl line 545
main::mainLoop_initialized() called at src/functions.pl line 70
main::mainLoop() called at src/Interface.pm line 75
Interface::mainLoop('Interface::Console::Win32=HASH(0x2923424)') called at openkore.pl line 96
main::__start() called at start.pl line 119
at C:/Documents and Settings/--KePaRaTkEciL--/Desktop/openkore/openkore- line 271
Carp::Assert::assert('', '\'HASH(0x343da44)\' must be of class \'Actor::You\'') called at src/Utils/Assert.pm line 31
Utils::Assert::assertClass('HASH(0x343da44)', 'Actor::You') called at src/Misc.pm line 228
Misc::checkValidity('Packet: stat_info') called at src/Network/Receive.pm line 419
Network::Receive::parse('Network::Receive::ServerType0=HASH(0x1b96a1c)', '\x{b0}\x{0}2\x{0}\x{87}\x{0}\x{0}\x{0}') called at src/functions.pl line 1192
main::parseIncomingMessage('\x{b0}\x{0}2\x{0}\x{87}\x{0}\x{0}\x{0}') called at src/functions.pl line 545
main::mainLoop_initialized() called at src/functions.pl line 70
main::mainLoop() called at src/Interface.pm line 75
Interface::mainLoop('Interface::Console::Win32=HASH(0x2923424)') called at openkore.pl line 96
main::__start() called at start.pl line 119</div>

koq d tmpt gw kluar kaya gt y?
ad pencerahan?
itu kluarny pas ud mskin ID pass server smuany..


Level 1

kk src ny thu d apain kk? soalny gw gk ngerti..
blh mnt d share src yg bisa d jalanin?
ato kk ada YM yg bs d hbungin?


Level 1
om.. nanya donk soal makro.. gw bener2 baru belajar soal beginian..
gimana cara kita ngerespon, selama masih ngomong sama npc, akan dipilih respon yang 0, kalo dah ga ngomong, akan talk ke npc itu lagi?

gimana ya nulisin script makronya??


Level 1
kk ferry bole tanya sesuatu g?

gini kk

misal nih

botnya itu mau ngomong ke npc koordinat x,x

tapi sistem bot kalo selama ada next pasti lanjut truz sampe ada pilihan 1 / 2 / dst

nah supaya bisa di bicara sekali langsung diem truz sampe aq bilang next botnya baru lanjutin pembicaraan gmn?

kalo kita yang maen cukup klik npc skali truz diem aja gt kk ferry

aq coba abis talk npc

aq pause tetep aja dia bicara truz sampe selesai baru di pause?

need help>.<

openkore q 2.0.5

thx kk


Level 1
kk, mau tanya, masih baru bgt sama makro,
ini baru buat tapi ga bisa, tolong di koreksi..
<div class='codetop'>NYIT-NYIT CODE</div><div class='codemain' style='height:300px;white-space:pre;overflow:auto'>automacro wait {
console /Player priest \((\d+)\) is casting Magnificat on himself (time 3654ms)/i
call tunggu

automacro wait2 {
console /Player priest \((\d+)\) is casting Kyrie Eleison on himself (time 1827ms)/i
call tunggu2

automacro wait3 {
console /Player priest \((\d+)\) is casting Increase AGI on himself (time 914ms)/i
call tunggu3

automacro wait4 {
console /Player priest \((\d+)\) is casting Increase AGI on you (time 914ms)/i
call tunggu3

macro tunggu {
do sit
pause 4
do stand

macro tunggu2 {
do sit
pause 3
do stand

macro tunggu3 {
do sit
pause 2
do stand


Gukguk Love Cat
Level 2
Ini macro apa ya kk??

hmm,, ga jalannya itu gmn?? ada pesan error ato apa??

hmm, coba lihat ini :
console /Player priest \((\d+)\) is casting Magnificat on himself (time 3654ms)/i
bisa di ganti jadi gini ?
console /Player priest \((\d+)\) is casting Magnificat on himself (time [*]ms)/i
untuk time casting nya kan berbeda" kk..


Level 1
kk ferry tanya lagi dunk

kalo mau ngebot wizard

huntnya dia itu fly wing2 kalo liat monster nama "a"

gitu langsung strom gust truz tele lagi

macronya pake if ato gmn?

ato cuma ngatur di confignya aja?



Gukguk Love Cat
Level 2
Coba gini bisa ga y?? :
automacro Tele {
run-once 1
monsters A
call {
do tele
ato di mon_controls.txt setting untuk tele kalo ketemu monster..


Level 1
itu buat alternatif plugin gandeng.. haha.. lagi isenk2 buat.. soalnya stelah di slidikin, prist sering ketinggalan klo lagi cast, apalagi klo ga ada dex..
jadi klo prist lagi cast , master duduk untuk beberapa detik sesuai lama cast nya..
ga bisa nya ga ada pesen error ato apa.. jadi ya berjalan seperti biasa kyk macronya ga ada.. tapi klo saia ketik macro, udah available macro nya..


4 SD
Macro Untuk Buat Pub Trus Ganti2 Gitu ..

automacro BuatChatRoom {
console prontera 192 168
exclusive 1
run-once 1
call ubah
macro ubah
do chat create bla...bla...
do chat modify bli...bli...bli...
pause 4
do chat modify bli...bli...bli...
pause 4
goto balek
release BuatChatRoom
tp masih salah >,<


Gukguk Love Cat
Level 2

Coba yang gini kk :
<div class='codetop'>NYIT-NYIT CODE</div><div class='codemain' style='height:300px;white-space:pre;overflow:auto'>
automacro BuatChatRoom {
map prontera
exclusive 1
run-once 1
call Buat

macro Buat {
do chat create Bla.. Bla.. Bla.. 2 0
call Modify

macro Modify {
do chat modify Bla.. Bla.. Bla.. Bla.. 2 0
pause 4
do chat modify Bla.. Bla.. Bla.. Bla.. Bla.. 2 0
pause 4
goto Ulang
