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[Share] Pokemon GO BOT


3 SD
Level 2
mending pake necrobot aja yg free ga perlu patch2, bisa netesin telur..


pertama login lsg close dulu trus ubah2 seting di file config.json, kalo gak diubah pokemon lo bakal di transferin yg iv dibawah 95%
github emang bandel gan
ga peduli ancaman niantic
bisa ngebot lagi nich levelingnya
setingan pertamanya emang agak ribet
tapi berikutnya tinggal edit config.json



Level 1
github emang bandel gan
ga peduli ancaman niantic
bisa ngebot lagi nich levelingnya
setingan pertamanya emang agak ribet
tapi berikutnya tinggal edit config.json
wkkk iya lumayan nih lagi kehabisan stardust, nangkepin manual lama & susah ngumpulinya
eh ada bahasa indonya juga... ane baru ngeh


3 SD
Level 2
gan itu deres bgt exp,lokasinya dmn farmingnya???
itu ditengah2 kota jakarta gan

Kalo agan agak teliti dikit, keliatan tuh lokasinya di mana... hehe
Di monas kayaknya itu gan...
wuih teliti banget agan ini
pasti liat dari nama pokestopnya ya

gmn cara settingnya y bos? udah utak atik tetep gak mau jalan botnya..
bukanya setingan bot yang versi gui lebih gampang gan
semuanya jelas banget ada disitu

ini bot guinya sama banget sama yang dulu ada di pokecrot ya
apa emang ini pokecrot ya
udah di test dan siap pasang ditinggal tidur buat leveling

ss versi gui versi 07.08 17.58
Last edited:


Belum Sekolah
Level 0
Hello, Kali ini saya akan membagikan aplikasi yang lagi banyak di cari cari orang, karena kemarin sempat ganti API yang mengakibatkan, Seluruh BOT Pokemon GO lenyap seketika. Nah kali ini saya akan memunculkannya lagi. Bagaimana Caranya?? yuk kita lihat ajaa,

Bahan Bahannya :
- Gunakan Aplikasi Ini : http://******/1cydLs
- Laptop / PC

- Tinggal Pakai aja gan, di extract terus, klik Pokefarmer.patched
- Terus Setting dulu, setting jadi akun google, dan setting speed limit dibagian general, gunakan driver car biar cepat
- Selanjutnya Start BOT, and Selamat ngebot

Masih Bingung ???
Lihat Video Tutorialnya :
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzmkYOnWyEU
newbie. maaf gan download linknya ane ga berhasil2,error terus. mohon pencerahannya.


VIP Kehormatan
kalo gw nunggu 24 jam versi stable nya aja dah ini dalam 1jam 4x update berarti masih ada yg gak beres, denger2 altitude nya belum di set sempurna takut kena flag aja dah capek2 nyeting sana sini masuk tiang gantungan. liat besok siang aja deh mending. tapi kalo emang dah ngebet silahkan. do it you own risk


VIP Kehormatan
mending pake necrobot aja yg free ga perlu patch2, bisa netesin telur..


pertama login lsg close dulu trus ubah2 seting di file config.json, kalo gak diubah pokemon lo bakal di transferin yg iv dibawah 95%
gak perlu kalo gw sih setting nya kek gini aja liat kira2 pokemon kita yang mo di keep masukin aja di config nya bentar tak copy in config nya.

  "TranslationLanguageCode": "en",
  "AutoUpdate": true,
  "TransferConfigAndAuthOnUpdate": true,
  "UseWebsocket": false,
  "StartupWelcomeDelay": false,
  "AmountOfPokemonToDisplayOnStart": 30,
  "ShowPokeballCountsBeforeRecycle": true,
  "CatchPokemon": true,
  "AutomaticallyLevelUpPokemon": false,
  "AmountOfTimesToUpgradeLoop": 5,
  "GetMinStarDustForLevelUp": 5000,
  "LevelUpByCPorIv": "iv",
  "UpgradePokemonCpMinimum": 1000.0,
  "UpgradePokemonIvMinimum": 95.0,
  "UpgradePokemonMinimumStatsOperator": "and",
  "DisableHumanWalking": false,
  "DefaultLatitude": 35.633424509333267,
  "DefaultLongitude": 139.88082647323608,
  "WalkingSpeedInKilometerPerHour": 30.0,
  "MaxSpawnLocationOffset": 10,
  "DelayBetweenPlayerActions": 5000,
  "DelayBetweenPokemonCatch": 2000,
  "DumpPokemonStats": false,
  "EvolveAboveIvValue": 95.0,
  "EvolveAllPokemonAboveIv": false,
  "EvolveAllPokemonWithEnoughCandy": true,
  "EvolveKeptPokemonsAtStorageUsagePercentage": 90.0,
  "KeepPokemonsThatCanEvolve": false,
  "KeepMinCp": 1250,
  "KeepMinIvPercentage": 90.0,
  "KeepMinLvl": 6,
  "KeepMinOperator": "or",
  "UseKeepMinLvl": false,
  "PrioritizeIvOverCp": false,
  "KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
  "UseGpxPathing": false,
  "GpxFile": "GPXPath.GPX",
  "VerboseRecycling": true,
  "RecycleInventoryAtUsagePercentage": 90.0,
  "UseEggIncubators": true,
  "UseLuckyEggConstantly": false,
  "UseLuckyEggsMinPokemonAmount": 30,
  "UseLuckyEggsWhileEvolving": false,
  "UseIncenseConstantly": false,
  "UseBerriesMinCp": 1000,
  "UseBerriesMinIv": 90.0,
  "UseBerriesBelowCatchProbability": 0.2,
  "UseBerriesOperator": "and",
  "UseSnipeOnlineLocationServer": true,
  "UseSnipeLocationServer": false,
  "SnipeLocationServer": "localhost",
  "SnipeLocationServerPort": 16969,
  "GetSniperInfoFromPokezz": true,
  "GetOnlyVerifiedSniperInfoFromPokezz": true,
  "MinPokeballsToSnipe": 20,
  "MinPokeballsWhileSnipe": 0,
  "MinDelayBetweenSnipes": 60000,
  "SnipingScanOffset": 0.003,
  "SnipeAtPokestops": false,
  "SnipeIgnoreUnknownIv": false,
  "UseTransferIvForSnipe": false,
  "SnipePokemonNotInPokedex": false,
  "RenamePokemon": false,
  "RenameOnlyAboveIv": true,
  "RenameTemplate": "{1}_{0}",
  "MaxPokeballsPerPokemon": 6,
  "MaxTravelDistanceInMeters": 1000,
  "TotalAmountOfPokeballsToKeep": 120,
  "TotalAmountOfPotionsToKeep": 80,
  "TotalAmountOfRevivesToKeep": 60,
  "TotalAmountOfBerriesToKeep": 50,
  "UseGreatBallAboveCp": 1000,
  "UseUltraBallAboveCp": 1250,
  "UseMasterBallAboveCp": 1500,
  "UseGreatBallAboveIv": 85.0,
  "UseUltraBallAboveIv": 95.0,
  "UseGreatBallBelowCatchProbability": 0.2,
  "UseUltraBallBelowCatchProbability": 0.1,
  "UseMasterBallBelowCatchProbability": 0.05,
  "EnableHumanizedThrows": false,
  "NiceThrowChance": 40,
  "GreatThrowChance": 30,
  "ExcellentThrowChance": 10,
  "CurveThrowChance": 90,
  "ForceGreatThrowOverIv": 90.0,
  "ForceExcellentThrowOverIv": 95.0,
  "ForceGreatThrowOverCp": 1000,
  "ForceExcellentThrowOverCp": 1500,
  "TransferWeakPokemon": false,
  "TransferDuplicatePokemon": true,
  "TransferDuplicatePokemonOnCapture": true,
  "FavoriteMinIvPercentage": 95.0,
  "AutoFavoritePokemon": false,
  "UsePokemonToNotCatchFilter": false,
  "UsePokemonSniperFilterOnly": false,
  "WebSocketPort": 14251,
  "ItemRecycleFilter": [
      "Key": "itemUnknown",
      "Value": 0
      "Key": "itemLuckyEgg",
      "Value": 200
      "Key": "itemIncenseOrdinary",
      "Value": 100
      "Key": "itemIncenseSpicy",
      "Value": 100
      "Key": "itemIncenseCool",
      "Value": 100
      "Key": "itemIncenseFloral",
      "Value": 100
      "Key": "itemTroyDisk",
      "Value": 100
      "Key": "itemXAttack",
      "Value": 100
      "Key": "itemXDefense",
      "Value": 100
      "Key": "itemXMiracle",
      "Value": 100
      "Key": "itemSpecialCamera",
      "Value": 100
      "Key": "itemIncubatorBasicUnlimited",
      "Value": 100
      "Key": "itemIncubatorBasic",
      "Value": 100
      "Key": "itemPokemonStorageUpgrade",
      "Value": 100
      "Key": "itemItemStorageUpgrade",
      "Value": 100
  "PokemonsNotToTransfer": [
  "PokemonsToEvolve": [
  "PokemonsToIgnore": [
  "PokemonsTransferFilter": {
    "Golduck": {
      "KeepMinCp": 1800,
      "KeepMinLvl": 6,
      "UseKeepMinLvl": false,
      "KeepMinIvPercentage": 95.0,
      "KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
      "Moves": [],
      "KeepMinOperator": "or",
      "MovesOperator": "or"
    "Farfetchd": {
      "KeepMinCp": 1250,
      "KeepMinLvl": 6,
      "UseKeepMinLvl": false,
      "KeepMinIvPercentage": 80.0,
      "KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
      "Moves": [],
      "KeepMinOperator": "or",
      "MovesOperator": "or"
    "Krabby": {
      "KeepMinCp": 1250,
      "KeepMinLvl": 6,
      "UseKeepMinLvl": false,
      "KeepMinIvPercentage": 95.0,
      "KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
      "Moves": [],
      "KeepMinOperator": "or",
      "MovesOperator": "or"
    "Kangaskhan": {
      "KeepMinCp": 1500,
      "KeepMinLvl": 6,
      "UseKeepMinLvl": false,
      "KeepMinIvPercentage": 60.0,
      "KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
      "Moves": [],
      "KeepMinOperator": "or",
      "MovesOperator": "or"
    "Horsea": {
      "KeepMinCp": 1250,
      "KeepMinLvl": 6,
      "UseKeepMinLvl": false,
      "KeepMinIvPercentage": 95.0,
      "KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
      "Moves": [],
      "KeepMinOperator": "or",
      "MovesOperator": "or"
    "Staryu": {
      "KeepMinCp": 1250,
      "KeepMinLvl": 6,
      "UseKeepMinLvl": false,
      "KeepMinIvPercentage": 95.0,
      "KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
      "Moves": [],
      "KeepMinOperator": "or",
      "MovesOperator": "or"
    "MrMime": {
      "KeepMinCp": 1250,
      "KeepMinLvl": 6,
      "UseKeepMinLvl": false,
      "KeepMinIvPercentage": 40.0,
      "KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
      "Moves": [],
      "KeepMinOperator": "or",
      "MovesOperator": "or"
    "Scyther": {
      "KeepMinCp": 1800,
      "KeepMinLvl": 6,
      "UseKeepMinLvl": false,
      "KeepMinIvPercentage": 80.0,
      "KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
      "Moves": [],
      "KeepMinOperator": "or",
      "MovesOperator": "or"
    "Jynx": {
      "KeepMinCp": 1250,
      "KeepMinLvl": 6,
      "UseKeepMinLvl": false,
      "KeepMinIvPercentage": 95.0,
      "KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
      "Moves": [],
      "KeepMinOperator": "or",
      "MovesOperator": "or"
    "Electabuzz": {
      "KeepMinCp": 1250,
      "KeepMinLvl": 6,
      "UseKeepMinLvl": false,
      "KeepMinIvPercentage": 80.0,
      "KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
      "Moves": [],
      "KeepMinOperator": "or",
      "MovesOperator": "or"
    "Magmar": {
      "KeepMinCp": 1500,
      "KeepMinLvl": 6,
      "UseKeepMinLvl": false,
      "KeepMinIvPercentage": 80.0,
      "KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
      "Moves": [],
      "KeepMinOperator": "or",
      "MovesOperator": "or"
    "Pinsir": {
      "KeepMinCp": 1800,
      "KeepMinLvl": 6,
      "UseKeepMinLvl": false,
      "KeepMinIvPercentage": 95.0,
      "KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
      "Moves": [],
      "KeepMinOperator": "or",
      "MovesOperator": "or"
    "Tauros": {
      "KeepMinCp": 1250,
      "KeepMinLvl": 6,
      "UseKeepMinLvl": false,
      "KeepMinIvPercentage": 90.0,
      "KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
      "Moves": [],
      "KeepMinOperator": "or",
      "MovesOperator": "or"
    "Magikarp": {
      "KeepMinCp": 200,
      "KeepMinLvl": 6,
      "UseKeepMinLvl": false,
      "KeepMinIvPercentage": 95.0,
      "KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
      "Moves": [],
      "KeepMinOperator": "or",
      "MovesOperator": "or"
    "Gyarados": {
      "KeepMinCp": 1250,
      "KeepMinLvl": 6,
      "UseKeepMinLvl": false,
      "KeepMinIvPercentage": 90.0,
      "KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
      "Moves": [],
      "KeepMinOperator": "or",
      "MovesOperator": "or"
    "Lapras": {
      "KeepMinCp": 1800,
      "KeepMinLvl": 6,
      "UseKeepMinLvl": false,
      "KeepMinIvPercentage": 80.0,
      "KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
      "Moves": [],
      "KeepMinOperator": "or",
      "MovesOperator": "or"
    "Eevee": {
      "KeepMinCp": 1250,
      "KeepMinLvl": 6,
      "UseKeepMinLvl": false,
      "KeepMinIvPercentage": 95.0,
      "KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
      "Moves": [],
      "KeepMinOperator": "or",
      "MovesOperator": "or"
    "Vaporeon": {
      "KeepMinCp": 1500,
      "KeepMinLvl": 6,
      "UseKeepMinLvl": false,
      "KeepMinIvPercentage": 90.0,
      "KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
      "Moves": [],
      "KeepMinOperator": "or",
      "MovesOperator": "or"
    "Jolteon": {
      "KeepMinCp": 1500,
      "KeepMinLvl": 6,
      "UseKeepMinLvl": false,
      "KeepMinIvPercentage": 90.0,
      "KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
      "Moves": [],
      "KeepMinOperator": "or",
      "MovesOperator": "or"
    "Flareon": {
      "KeepMinCp": 1500,
      "KeepMinLvl": 6,
      "UseKeepMinLvl": false,
      "KeepMinIvPercentage": 90.0,
      "KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
      "Moves": [],
      "KeepMinOperator": "or",
      "MovesOperator": "or"
    "Porygon": {
      "KeepMinCp": 1250,
      "KeepMinLvl": 6,
      "UseKeepMinLvl": false,
      "KeepMinIvPercentage": 60.0,
      "KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
      "Moves": [],
      "KeepMinOperator": "or",
      "MovesOperator": "or"
    "Snorlax": {
      "KeepMinCp": 2600,
      "KeepMinLvl": 6,
      "UseKeepMinLvl": false,
      "KeepMinIvPercentage": 90.0,
      "KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
      "Moves": [],
      "KeepMinOperator": "or",
      "MovesOperator": "or"
    "Dragonite": {
      "KeepMinCp": 2600,
      "KeepMinLvl": 6,
      "UseKeepMinLvl": false,
      "KeepMinIvPercentage": 90.0,
      "KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
      "Moves": [],
      "KeepMinOperator": "or",
      "MovesOperator": "or"
  "PokemonToSnipe": {
    "Locations": [
        "Latitude": 38.556807486461118,
        "Longitude": -121.2383794784546
        "Latitude": -33.859019,
        "Longitude": 151.213098
        "Latitude": 47.5014969,
        "Longitude": -122.0959568
        "Latitude": 51.5025343,
        "Longitude": -0.2055027
    "Pokemon": [
  "PokemonToUseMasterball": [


Level 1
bro gmn seting supaya pokeball ny dua di peke bro..
kok ultaball yg duluan dipake...
dah di edit cp 100 pokeball tp ttp ultraball kepake...
mohon pencerahan na broo..!!


Level 1
gan, nubie di mari.. ada gk penjelasan yg dari awal gimana nyalain bot gui sama setting nya?
trus posisi ane skrg di filipin. kalau ane lgsg login pake ini tiba2 di indo kena banned gk yah?

Last edited:


Level 1
versi maclone yang terbaru blm ada yah?

ane udh pewe dengan versi maclone,simple cepet dan ga njelimet fitur nya

yg sekarang yg baru rata2 terlalu bnyk menu dan fitur malah jd negbingungin..:(


Level 0
gan, nubie di mari.. ada gk penjelasan yg dari awal gimana nyalain bot gui sama setting nya?
trus posisi ane skrg di filipin. kalau ane lgsg login pake ini tiba2 di indo kena banned gk yah?

Kalo lo ga ngerti pake necrobot aja, ada versi bhs indo nya.
Kena soft banned, tapi otomatis di unban dari bot

Pokecrot kena blacklist dari own**core karena dianggep copas ar1i & spegeli


Belum Sekolah
Level 1
gue pake necrobot+pocofeeder dari kemarin masih work kok

itu beneran dapat dragonite cp 2601?
gimana bisa buat supaya botnya bisa tangkap pokemon pake ultraball?
btw lokasi huntnya dimana tu?
pengaruh juga ya level kita sama pokemon yang bakal kita ketemu gan?
thanks suhu