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Ayo Suarakan Aspirasi Mu

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6 SD
Level 2
iya.. mukanya amuro sangat tdk menjanjikan... tapi gini kalo di GS sama GSD dia lebih mentingin Story karakternya jadi "Gundam"nya terbebngkalai.... kalo Gundam 00 dia banyak perangnya jadi "Gundam"nya lebih kerasa.... coba di di 00 jarang kan ada yg romance2?? klo di GSD mah sampe nangis2 yg menurut gw overaction irrational gimanaa gitu... maka dari itu... yang ngebuat Setsuna (dan Heero yuy) jago itu gara2 pengalaman peran yang Mantap... gw juga gak yakin Kira bisa menang lawan Graham Acre.. (MR. Bushido)


6 SD
Level 2
hmmm ia sih... makanya cewek" pas ditanyain GS sama GSD pada tauk.. ternyata kebanyakan dramanya... tapi mungkin kalo gundam 00 lebih real kali yah?? lebih mentingin perangnya keren juga sih kayak gundam" sebelumnya.. tapi gua liat gundam wing ada romancenya dkit"


Level 2
Bener juga si abyan...kalo di peratiin GS ma GSD banyak banget drama n perbacotannya
perang nya dikid abies...kadang bosen gw ngikutin nya...emang gundam 00 tuh kayak gimana kuad nya sih??


6 SD
Level 2
btw... gw juga belom nonton Gundam 00 Season 2.. tapi season 1 perangnya gila2an, korban berjatuhan, coba deh liat gerakannya Exia, sama Nadleeh .. kayak Asassin beneran..
oh iya system Gundam di Double O itu pake GN particles... jadi dalam radius +- 20km peralatan elektronik, Hape dan mecha yg blom dirombak ulang gak berfungsi Organisasi si tokoh utama itu Celestial Being yg dibuat sama orang yg udah mati 200 thn sebelom waktu animenya dimulai... cmn gw yakin di season 2 pasti ketauan rahasia celestial being.... trus di season 1, karakternya gak kayak GS yg Anti Hero jadi Hero, klo di Double o sekali anti hero tetep anti hero, sekali hero tetep hero, walaupun ada neutral yg jadi anti hero gara2 dendam pokoknya Must Watch it deh
tapi perang paling mantap sepanjang masa pas di Char's Counter attack (UC Gundam)


6 SD
Level 2
azzz gundam lama gambarnya kurang bagus tapinya...
gundam 00 kayaknya bagus deh.. tapi H nya gk begitu banyak kayak GS n GSD wwkwkkwkwkwk


6 SD
Level 2
walah kok nyambungnya ke H sih dibanding H nya Real Story nya lebih keren.... trus kalo maw liat model MS-nya ada di mahq.net


6 SD
Level 2
ya pasti lah real story nya lebih keren zzzz H manga biasanya cuman plesetan episod dari real story nya terus dibuat buat deh jadi deh kacau balau wwkkwkwkwkwkw trahir gw pengen beli model ms waktu kelas 6 sd tapi pertama kali pas 4 sd gara" nonton gundam wing abis itu gua ke toko maenan <kidzstation kalo g salah waktu itu pengen beli beyblade> eh gua liat dah tuh harga ternyata ratusan rebu ... nyerah dah gua beli tuh model ... abis itu ternyata pas kelas 6 guua pengen beli lagi gara" nonton GS dan GSD alhasil kumpul uang jajan dapet 200k ehh duitnya malah gua beliin komik bekas di pasar senen gk tw napa zzzzzz akhirnya pupus dah tuh harapan beli model gundam ...


6 SD
Level 2
ya pasti lah real story nya lebih keren zzzz H manga biasanya cuman plesetan episod dari real story nya terus dibuat buat deh jadi deh kacau balau wwkkwkwkwkwkw trahir gw pengen beli model ms waktu kelas 6 sd tapi pertama kali pas 4 sd gara" nonton gundam wing abis itu gua ke toko maenan <kidzstation kalo g salah waktu itu pengen beli beyblade> eh gua liat dah tuh harga ternyata ratusan rebu ... nyerah dah gua beli tuh model ... abis itu ternyata pas kelas 6 guua pengen beli lagi gara" nonton GS dan GSD alhasil kumpul uang jajan dapet 200k ehh duitnya malah gua beliin komik bekas di pasar senen gk tw napa zzzzzz akhirnya pupus dah tuh harapan beli model gundam ...
hahahah gw mah pas SMP beli Gundam HG (High Grade skala 1/144) 150 rebu di Kota... TEmen gw malah2 ada yang beli Gundam MG (Master grade 1/100) sama yg 1/100 biasa.... gw ngeliat kamar yang penuh Plamo gundam (punya temen gw) gila... gw bingung tuh kamar apa Markas ya?? + Tambah lagi tuh orang beli Gundam Hi - Nu Gundam dari Thailand (mengagetkan harga di thailand lebih murah sodara2), trus temen gw yg diam2 menghanyutkan beli Exia gundam PG (Perfect Grade 1/60) gede gila....


6 SD
Level 2
awkawkawk kayaknya temen lo bener" maniak gundam ....
palingan gua pernah ke rumah temen gua kamarnya penuhh banget sama figur" dari anime...
mungkin koleksi kali dia ya wkwkkwkwkw ada juga hotwheels dlsb kayaknya emang fans sama toys n anime gitu deh...


6 SD
Level 2
kalo temen gw adalagi yang lebih gila.... Koleksi Konsol game dari Nintendo - PS3 (ada semua) di Dunia emang Money Talks ya...


3 SD
skr jaman dah money is everything

kok jadi OOT gini

menurut gw terkuat itu
Archer FSN
kalah lawan berserker gara2 berserker punya 12 nyawa coba klo 1 dah mati kyknya


6 SD
Level 2
hmmm kayaknya masih kuatan Gilgamesh / Saber deh... berhubung Gilgamesh Punya Noble phantasm Level X yaitu Ea, Saber sendiri bisa pake Excalibur dan Caliburn yg Grade "A++", tapi kalo serangan justru Gilgamesh menang, Saber Pertahanan, Archer sih kata gw paling Fleksibel dan Multi Talented (ya Ahli Pedang, Pemanah, dan Butler)
btw... Sebenernya Saber bisa ngalahin berserk dalam 1 serangan karena Noble phantasm-nya berserker "godhand" si 12 nyawa cuman bisa aktif kalo diserang Magic/ Noble phantasm di bawah tingkat A (karena excalibur & Calibur tingkat A++ jadi Godhand gak bakal Aktif)
sekian penjelasannya...


3 SD
Level 2
mugen.. , fisiknya gila , dah kena bom blm mati..

tau ni pada oot apa perlu gw bkin threatnya?


6 SD
Level 2
ia sihh katanya sih si archer nama aslinya kiritsugu emiya a.k.a bapaknya shiro ...
gua jg suka tuh sama archer apalagi mantra unlimited blade works nya


6 SD
Level 2
hmm Archer di Fate Stay Night ada 2 :
-Gilgamesh (tau siapa)
-Archer (Shirou Emiya yang di masa Depan, Kulit Jadi item sama Rambut jadi Putih, gara2 terlalu banyak pake Tracing Magic)


6 SD
Level 2
Gate of Babylon VS Unlimited Blade Works

Gate of Babylon Aka (the King's Treasury)

The Gate of Babylon, the King's Treasury, is one of the major Noble Phantasms of Gilgamesh. A key-shaped sword that connects to the golden capital.

By connecting reality to the vault, he can pick and use the items in it as he pleases. Needless to say, the Noble Phantasm becomes more powerful with the wealth of the owner.

Similarly, there probably is a Road of Babylon.

Gilgamesh mainly uses the Gate of Babylon to shoot the countless weapons in it like a rain of projectiles, but there also are various items in it, such as a mirror; Fate/Zero also shows us not only the flying machine Vimana, but even something as trivial as wine, which he calls "Wine worthy of kings". Gilgamesh can also pick the items one by one for specific use, of course.

The weapons are the prototypes of the more recent Noble Phantasms. While Cú Chulainn has the Gáe Bolg that became famous, Gilgamesh possesses a weapon that later became the Gáe Bolg, but wasn't famous at the time Gilgamesh owned it.

The weapons that are seen in the Gate of Babylon are the prototypes of Caladbolg, Dainsleif, Durandal, Gáe Bolg, Gram, Harpe, Houtengeki, Vajra.

Unlimited Blade Works (Infinite Creation of Sword)

This page is about a Reality Marble. For one of the scenarios in Fate/stay night, see Unlimited Blade Works (route). For the movie see Unlimited Blade Works (movie).

Unlimited Blade Works is the Reality Marble of Emiya Shirou and is treated as the Noble Phantasm of the Heroic Spirit EMIYA. Still, the world of Emiya Shirou and EMIYA are different.

Once invoked, a circle of fire will expand itself starting from the caster’s location and transform the surrounding space as it passes. The inner environment of the bounded field is characterized by a desolate, reddish brown wasteland with immense interconnected gears suspended in midair. Twilight from beyond the horizon provides the area with light, although in EMIYA’s case that is somewhat opaqued by smoke and embers coming from the ground itself. The landscape is dotted with countless weapons, most of which are swords.


The main purpose of the Reality Marble is to record and to make possible the replication of all weapons that Emiya Shirou has ever seen. It provides with all materials necessary for the manufacture of weapons, thus facilitating the reproduction process. Defensive armaments can also be reproduced, but the prana cost will be two to three times higher.

Deployment of the bounded field will automatically reproduce all armaments recorded inside of the Reality Marble. However, these weapons will keep consuming an amount of prana, which is added to the energy requirements to maintain the bounded field. The cost is also high to reproduce weapons that did not exist when the bounded field was first expanded, or to recreate those that existed but were destroyed.

That aside, it is also possible to reproduce weapons without actually deploying the Reality Marble by making use of Projection Magecraft. Still, reproduced weapons will lose one rank compared to the originals.

While merely a hindrance against a normal Servant – who possess only one weapon but have mastered it to the utmost limits – this is the greatest counter against Gilgamesh, who overwhelms other Heroic Spirits by having an infinite supply of Noble Phantasms, thus making Emiya Shirou his natural enemy

Lebih kurang begitu....
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